For the total of publications go to the button Publikation in the German section

41.2. Vastustuksen Yksilölliset ja Vourovaikutukselliset Riirteet. Psykoterapia (Helsinki) 4/1987: 2-12 [From psychodynamics to interaction of resistance]

42. A Specific and Taxonomic Differentiation between Psycho-vegetative Disorders and Psychoneuroses. Psychother Psychosom 41: 116-124 (1984)

45. On Conditions, Concepts and Theories of Psychoanalytic In Patient Psychotherapy. In: Pichot P et al (Ed): Psychiatry - The State of the Art. New York und London: Plenum Press 1985, Vol. 4, S. 177-182

52. Notes on Psychodynamics and Structure of Patients with vegetative Neuroses. In: Lacey J, Sturgeon DA (Ed): Proc XV Europ Conf Psychosom Res. London und Paris: J Lebbey 1986, S. 26-28

63. Psychosocial and Psychosomatic Aspects of AIDS-Research. In: Öhman R et al (Ed): Interaction between Mental and Physical Illness. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 1989, S. 74-79

84. Psychoanalysis in Germany. Academy Forum 35, H.3: 3 - 4 (1991)

97. 1 The Training of Psychoanalysts and the Analyst's Sense of Responsibility. Int Forum Psychoanal 2: 37 - 43 (1993)

101.2 Transference interpretations as relationship work. Int Forum Psychoanal 2: 25 - 33 (1993)

106.2 L'aspirazione e il fallimento di Sandor Ferenczi. Il suo modo di affrontare la regressione da un punto di vista odierno. Psicoterapia e istitutioni 3: 53 - 66 (1996) [Sandor Ferenczi’s beginning and failure. His handling of regression from today's view]

113.Ackenheil M, Bondy B, Engel R, Ermann M, Nedopil N (Eds):
Implications of Psychopharmacology to Psychiatry. Biological, Nosological, and Therapeutical Concepts. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg etc 1995

115.Schöchlin C, Marguth U, Seidl O, Ermann M:
HIV testing in homosexuals, haemophiliacs and IVDUs. In: Friedrich D, Heckmann W (Eds) AIDS in Europe - the behavioral aspect. Berlin, Ed Sigma 1996, pp 133 - 145

116.Marguth U, Schöchlin C, Reisbeck G, Seidl O, Ermann M:
Coping behaviour and social network in gay men concerning longterm-adaptation to AIDS. In: Friedrich D, Heckmann W (Eds) AIDS in Europe - the behavioral aspect. Berlin, Ed Sigma 1996, pp 257 - 265

124.3 Telling dreams and transference. Int Forum Psychoanal 8: 75 - 86 (1999)

125.Regresión y el proceso transferencial. Comentarios sobre el Diario clínico de Ferenczi desde un enfoque post-freudiano [Regression and the transference process. Coments on the clinical diary of Sandor Ferenczi from a post-Freidian view]. Revista de Psicoanálisis de la Asoc Psic. de Madrid 28: 97-102 (1998)

127.Psychoanalysis in Germany. Int Forum Psychoanal 8: 57 – 58 (1999)

131.Fenzel T, Kinzel C, Mertens W, Ermann M :
Attachment Representation and dreaming. J Psychosom Research 48 (2000) 213-14

133.2 Disturbo del sogno. Sulla creatività del sogno e il suo fallimento. Ricerca psicoanalitica 13 (2002) 159 - 178 [Disturbance of dreaming - On creativity of the dreaming function and its failure]

143.2 On medial identity. Int Forum Psychoanal 13 (204) 226 – 239

145. Identity in change. Int Forum Psychoanal 13 (2004) 209 - 210

155. On perverse thinking. Int Forum Psychoanal 14 (2005) 188 - 102

168. Kuwert P, Spitzer C, Freyberger HJ, Ermann M (2007) Sixty years later: Post-traumatic stress symptoms and current psychopathology in former German children of World War II. Internat Psychogeriatrics 19: 782 - 784

169. Reminding. Internat Forum Psychoanal (2007) 16: 53 - 54

172. “You touched my heart”: Modes of memory and psychoanalytic technique. Int Forum Psychoanal 16 (2007) 222 - 227

176. Los ninos de la Alemania nazista: Las vivencias 60 anos después. Revista de psicanálise da Sociedade psicanalítica de Porto Alegre (2008) XV/1 67 - 76

177.2 Rozmowy o pamieci - wyniki badan ankietowych w Niemczech, In: Reulecke J, Schmook R, Jeremicz J (Wydawcy) Dzieci wojny w Niemczech Wschodnich i w Polsce. Wydawnictwo Berlin-Brandenburg 2008, 178 - 187


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Updated 01.05. 2009